Monday, April 21, 2014

Working With Journey....

Well, today, after doing my schoolwork, I went to gym class.  Gym class for me is a lot different than gym class in public schools.  For me, it means collecting all my equipment for myself and my miniature horse named Journey, load it all up into the horse trailer, and head for CATRA.  There, I work in the indoor ring with Ben.  He  runs a business called Horse Mastership Essentials; and he has really taught me a lot about working with Journey.  Ben teaches me more than I could ever read in a book!  I am working really hard to build trust between us both so that we can soon begin to drive a cart.  For now, I am focused on working with him in hand to do many obstacles, and line-driving.  When we are at CATRA, one thing I'm really lucky enough to be able to do is work with Journey and not even use a lead-line.  It's hard to be able to practice that at home, but when I'm at CATRA, that's one thing I love to do!

I will be taking Journey to 4-H fair this year.  I might use Bumble, my sister's miniature to drive, but I will use Journey for showmanship and in hand trail class!

Journey weaving cones without a lead line!

Cone on his hiney!

Look Ma, no hands!

So many cones!

Parking the car...

I like my gym class!

1 comment:

  1. Now he has brand new purple gear to strut his stuff in gym class!


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